I went for my OB appt today and am happy to report that Baby Lee is HEALTHY and very active!!! Both the ultrasound and quadruple screen were NORMAL. No congential abnormalities and the placenta is where it's suppose to be. What a relief! Dr. LeBlanc said the baby was moving and kicking a bunch and the heart rate was 156. I'm still waiting to feel the strong kicks but can certainly feel some wiggling in there. I'm definitely showing and have gained around 15 lbs - which my doctor said was just fine. Can't wait for our next appt on October 18th - hopefully Todd will be in town and able to come along to hear the baby's heart beat. We're really looking forward to having Todd's parents visit in October. We will be busy with the nursery and will post both the "during and after" pictures once it's completed.
We went to The Moncton Hopsital on Thursday, September 13th for our Level 2 Ultrasound. Measurements show the baby is 19 weeks 2 days (1 day ahead) and weighs approximately 10 ounces. Heart rate was 160 beats per minutes. We just loved every minute of seeing the baby!!! I will meet with my OB on Thursday, September 20th to review the Ultrasound results.I'm deinfitely feeling the baby move. We're really looking forward to Todd being able to feel the baby kick! We're 1/2 way to meeting this little BOY or GIRL!!!!
18 weeks
I'm officially in maternity jeans! We go for our Ultrasound on Thursday, Sept 13th. We're really looking forward to seeing the baby and to found out that he/she is healthy and growing well. More updates to come once we're back online with our internet service.
The movers came on Tuesday, Sept 4th and unloaded all our things into our new house. Now we have lots of boxes to unpack and pictures to hang...I'm really looking forward to getting settled in. And of course, we can't wait for visitors. Todd's parents will be coming in October. Who's next? Unfortunately, we will not have cable, internet, or home phone service until Sept. 18th. That was the first available appointment. Can't imagine what life will be like without cable and phone for 2 weeks! Guess I'll stay busy getting the house in order. I'll post pictures of the house once we have our internet hooked up again.
Todd and his Snuggle "Buddy"
Todd flew back from Houston on Friday, Aug 31st. He was due in at 10 pm but because Newark is such an air traffic control mess he didn't land in Moncton until 2:30 am. Todd and Tucker were pretty tired the next morning. We were all happy he was home.