Dr. LeBlanc said she doesn't necessarily believe the old wives tale that a high heart rate is a girl and lower heart rate is a boy.
For those of you that can't wait to know whether Baby Lee is a boy or girl - we've got less than 4 more months to go! Guess we'll just have to wait and see! We'll all know soon enough! Gotta love surprises.
My blood pressure was fine 116/80 and I put on 5 more pounds (ughh!) but I did buy a bunch of really cute maternity clothes yesterday!
We were very happy to hear that your 24 week appointment went so well! Not much longer!!! We can't wait to meet our new Grandbaby Lee!! Dad is also looking forward to a "Canadian Lobster Dinner!
Glad you had a great visit with Lee and Richard.
Lots of love,
Mom and Dad A.
Love your new maternity outfit! You look great!! It is so exciting to see you looking more pregnant! Wish I could be there with you...I love and miss you very much! I am really looking forward to seeing you on November 5th!!
Lots of love,
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