Friday, April 22, 2011

M Train & Circus

The end of March we rode the "M Train", which is what Gracie's best buddy Baynes calls the Metro, to see Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey's Circus at The Verizon Center in DC.

Ann Colter, Baynes' mom, and I met while touring preschool open houses. I am so thankful for her friendship. Her husband, Rob, and Todd hit it off & now play golf together. Baynes and Gracie are such good friends. They're in the same gymnastics class and always love our playdates. Ronan, Baynes' sister, and Delaney will hopefully be besties too.

NICE! We might need to work on picking in private!

My cousin Ben and his wife Laura.

Delaney got tired of the Greatest Show on Earth.

M training it back home!

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Loved the pictures of Gracie, Delaney, and Baynes on the Metro!! They looked so cute all traveling together to the circus!!
That is a great picture of Ben and Laura with Delaney!
Miss and love you all very much!
Mom and Dad XXOO