Thursday, December 16, 2010

What? A new post!

Tired of seeing Tucker?

Awe, that's not very nice (ahem, Grape! and anyone else thinking the same thing)...I won't tell Tucker you said that...Tucker is very tenderhearted and that would make him very sad. Poor guy; he hardly ever gets blog time.

Sorry I've been MIA. After our wonderful visit with our families in SC, late night online shopping on Thanksgiving night, Black Friday at Target at 4:30 am and my high school reunion over Thanksgiving Weekend (which I helped plan and it mentally exhausted me)...I got really sick. I was put on an antibiotic for strep throat but the culture came back negative so I don't know if I had the flu or just a really awful cold. And as many of you know, it's almost impossible to be sick and be a mom.

I'm all better now (YAY!) and my online Christmas shopping is I won't be neglecting the blog! Check back again soon because I have lots of pics to share!

Happy Holidays!!!

1 comment:

AIM said...

Glad to see you back! I heart Tuck as much as the next guy, but was going through G&D withdrawal!

Have a wonderful holiday season, Lees! Lotsa love from Canada.
