Bangor, Maine is a 3.5+ hour drive from our house in Canada. It's a beautiful drive...winding along the Bay of Fundy leaving Canada and hilly down through Maine. The +(plus) in driving hours is for the time needed to wait to cross the US/Canada border and the extra time needed to stop while traveling with Gracie.
Gracie and I had a great drive down to Bangor last Tuesday morning when she and I drove down to pick up Ellee & Granddaddy (Todd's parents)...Gracie fell asleep 20 minutes after we left home and woke up 90 minutes later just before we crossed the border. She was great the rest of the drive and we stopped off at the mall before heading to the airport. (Of course I built in extra, extra time to stop off at the mall - I have to do a little shopping while I'm in the States, even if its only for a few hours). Gracie was awesome shopping with me at Macys & GapKids and we shared a yummy piece of pizza. Luckily for Todd and our bank account, I couldn't find the Target nor did I have enough time to stop.
Even though we're far away from our family - we're so fortunate to stay connected with our family & friends with our States line phone #, email, blog, webcam, frequent trips home and having them visit us up here . We always show Gracie pictures of her grandparents and Aunt Katie and Uncle Jeff. She's always able to point everyone out when we ask her who's who. We also use our speakerphone all the time so she gets to hear and will occasionally "talk" to them over the phone.
In preparing to see Gracie at the airport, Ellee told Granddaddy that she wasn't sure if Gracie would be comfortable with them as soon as the walked off the plane - so they were just going to take it slow and follow her lead...
Well, guess who ran up and hugged Ellee?
Yep - Gracie!
And guess who melted into a puddle on the floor?
Yep - Ellee!
It was the cutest, sweetest thing! I wish I would have had my camera ready but I wasn't really expecting her to do that either. It was a very special moment for us all!
Just minutes after getting off the plane.
Playing with "Melissa & Doug" Construction Trucks we bought in the gift shop while waiting for the plane to arrive.
And holding Granddaddy's hand right away!
She loves her Granddaddy!
And I love this picture.
Best Buddies!
Big Bag of Ring Pops in the airport parking lot!
Let the spoiling begin!!!
YumEee!!! Yay for grandparents!!!
Gracie slept shortly after we left Bangor for an hour. In the middle of no where, half way in between Bangor and Calais (the border town), she absolutely lost it. She was sick of being in the car and wanted to make sure she got her point across by screaming for an didn't matter what we tried to do - playing with toys, singing, ignoring...she just wanted to be home!