Monday, October 12, 2009

Canadian Vocabulary

Lesson One.
Tuque - pronounced two-k.

Wikipedia says:
A tuque is a knitted cap. Most tuques are tapered, some have ear-flaps, and may be topped with a pom-pon, this style of tuque is sometimes referred to as a sherpa. The term originated in Canada.

The 2009 Winter Tuque!

She's started putting her binky
in sideways to get playful attention!
And Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

We love Gracie's Tuque! She is definitely very styling! It sounds as though you all are bracing for the beginning of your Canadian winter....can't believe it's already "chillin" up there!
Love and miss you all very much!

BeBe and PaPa XXOO
(I love the way Gracie says BeBe!!)