Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Airing our Dirty Laundry

So contrary to what Todd believes -
there is NO such thing as The Laundry Fairy,
unless he wants me to start wearing wings.

So I ask you, is having your child sort the laundry -
child labor or a learning opportunity???

I vote that it's a learning opportunity. At least for now.

Gracie loves to sort. I mean, she REALLY loves to sort.
She sorts anything that can be sorted.
M&Ms, crayons, candles, diapers, coins, etc.

So when our closet floor was
overflowing with laundry.
I asked my expert sorter to help me.
Gracie was thrilled...she loved sorting the color piles.
And I, of course, loved her help.
Now...if I could just teach her to fold.

Here's a video of us keeping it real.
Life isn't always smiling faces, cute stories,
and a kept house.
We have our share of dirty laundry too!

*This video is kinda boring but kinda cute*
I also want to have it for later when Gracie tells me
she doesn't know how to separate her laundry.


BeBe and PaPa said...

BeBe would love to have you come and help me sort and do the laundry! What a great helper you are!
Miss and love you very much!!

Anonymous said...

find me moms panties to wear sit on my lap and jerk me off